Goal: Learners will take the provided information and apply their new knowledge to achieve better sleep hygiene and sleeping habits. At the end of this lesson the learner should be able to:

  1. Understand the meaning of sleep
  2. Gain a solid understanding of sleeping habits/hygiene
  3. Improve their sleep routine
  4. Know the resources available to help improve their sleeping schedule

Prior Knowledge: No required prior knowledge, learners just need to remain motivated and dedicated to incorporate the lifestyle changes into a daily routine



  • Introduction – “What is Sleep Hygiene” — describe the importance and practice of achieving good quality sleep
  • (Overview) Why Practice Sleep Hygiene — provide relatable background knowledge
  • (Overview) Consequence of Sleep Deprivation — detail effects of lack of sleep on health
  • Diagnostic Assessment – Allows teacher to assess current student understanding of the subject


Tips to Improve Sleep Hygiene + Supplementary Multimedia Content Highlighting importance of sleep.

  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule — importance of maintaining a routine (sleep-wake cycle)
  • Avoid caffeine and heavy meals — time frame for consuming rich and fatty meals as well as caffeine
  • Get regular exercise — best times to exercise and when to avoid
  • Limit/avoid naps during the day — disruption of sleep-wake cycle
  • Keep your room quiet and comfy — emphasize importance of sleep environment
  • Unplug before bed — dangers of blue light and its interference with the hormone melatonin
  • Inclusion of PowerPoint Lesson + Other related Multimedia content


  • Useful Applications (Hands-on Activity) – provide opportunity for students to interact with material (use sleep applications to improve sleep quality) and develop unique personal experiences with multimedia objects
  • Assessment on material learned – provide a quiz to assess how efficiently sleep hygiene material was taught

Delivery of content

Content will be delivered over a single WordPress site with embedded videos, texts and pictures. Learners will be assessed on content learned and will be able to share their favorite tools/applications when achieving quality sleep in the comments. Students will also be able to leave comments in the form of instructional feedback on each section of the lesson plan (optional).